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Calculates Proportional Reporting Rate ("PRR") with confidence intervals, used in disproportionality analysis.


  obs = NULL,
  n_drug = NULL,
  n_event_prr = NULL,
  n_tot_prr = NULL,
  conf_lvl = 0.95



Number of reports for the specific drug and event (i.e. the observed count).


Number of reports with the drug of interest.


Number of reports with the event in the background.


Number of reports in the background.


Confidence level of confidence or credibility intervals. Default is 0.95 (i.e. 95 % confidence interval).


A tibble with three columns (point estimate and credibility bounds). Number of rows equals length of inputs obs, n_drug, n_event_prr and n_tot_prr.


The PRR is the proportion of reports with an event in set of exposed cases, divided with the proportion of reports with the event in a background or comparator, which does not include the exposed.

The PRR is estimated from a observed-to-expected ratio, based on similar to the RRR and IC, but excludes the exposure of interest from the comparator.

$$\hat{PRR} = \frac{\hat{O}}{\hat{E}}$$

where \(\hat{O}\) is the observed number of reports, and expected \(\hat{E}\) is estimated as

$$\hat{E} = \frac{\hat{N}_{drug} \times (\hat{N}_{event} - \hat{O})}{\hat{N}_{TOT}-\hat{N}_{drug}}$$

where \(\hat{N}_{drug}\), \(\hat{N}_{event}\), \(\hat{O}\) and \(\hat{N}_{TOT}\) are the number of reports with the drug, the event, the drug and event, and in the whole database respectively.

A confidence interval is derived in Gravel (2009) using the delta method: $$\hat{s} = \sqrt{ 1/\hat{O} - 1/(\hat{N}_{drug}) + 1/(\hat{N}_{event} - \hat{O}) - 1/(\hat{N}_{TOT} - \hat{N}_{drug})}$$

and $$[\hat{CI}_{\alpha/2}, \hat{CI}_{1-\alpha/2}] = $$ $$[\frac{\hat{O}}{\hat{E}} \times \exp(Q_{\alpha/2} \times \hat{s}), \frac{\hat{O}}{\hat{E}} \times \exp(Q_{1-\alpha/2} \times \hat{s})]$$

where \(Q_{\alpha}\) denotes the quantile function of a standard Normal distribution at significance level \(\alpha\).

Note: For historical reasons, another version of this standard deviation is sometimes used where the last fraction under the square root is added rather than subtracted, with negligible practical implications in large databases. This function uses the version declared above, i.e. with subtraction.





  obs = 5,
  n_drug = 10,
  n_event_prr = 20,
  n_tot_prr = 10000
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   prr2.5   prr prr97.5
#>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1   117.   250    534.

# Note that input parameters can be vectors (of equal length, no recycling)
  obs = c(5, 10),
  n_drug = c(10, 20),
  n_event_prr = c(15, 30),
  n_tot_prr = c(10000, 10000)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   prr2.5   prr prr97.5
#>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1  150.   333.    742.
#> 2   94.7  167.    293.